Avery & Skylar’s Newborn Session | Angelsea Urban NJ Newborn Photographer

It was such a pleasure spending the day with these two lovely ladies and their parents.  I really enjoyed hearing the stories of the family’s anticipation and their journey into this world. It was an honor to be able to present the first images of Avery & Skylar to the rest of the family. I can’t wait to see what these ladies have in store for their future with their family!




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Wrapping up 2011

Phew!  Wow! And how about some, good ol’ thank GOODness!

Did you ever have one of those years you are so glad to let go and can’t wait until New Year’s Eve to officially turn the dial on the next four digits?  Then others are so sweet that you might just be sad to see them go.  Well 2011 was a sweet, sweet year for us.  Jam packed with new adventures, TONS of traveling, lots of exciting new projects, new friendships that seem like “old” ones, family vacations and basically just jumping in fully, with both feet every chance we could.  And what a ride it was!

New was the overall theme and just when you think you are about to settle in for a while with what you THINK you know, God picks you up and shakes you upside down. Empties all of that loose change out of your pockets and starts fresh with you.  Closing doors to things you enjoyed, but opening a TON more to things you never knew you would love and yearn for even more.  Things you didn’t even know you needed, would be good at, or weren’t even aware of.  Of course, looking back it all makes perfect and complete sense NOW.  Like pieces of a puzzle that were all designed beforehand fitting perfecting into place for us.

Of course all of that was not without fear or frustration.  Rounding the top of the climb to a giant roller coaster draws up fear.  But sometimes you just have to close your eyes and hang on.  Leaning on what you know to be true and have enough faith to trust in it.  To trust that everything will be just fine.  Better than fine.  It will be great!

The past few months were especially busy.  Jamming in as much as we could while maintaining the VERY delicate balance of what’s too much, what’s necessary, and most importantly: what we are being called to do that is pushing us outside of our comfort zone.  Dodging illnesses, tiredness, blockades at every angle, and a close family member getting some potentially devastating news, we weren’t sure if we’d make it through.  Especially these past two weeks which wrapped up this past weekend.  Steve and I are both feeling the same now:  phew!  We made it.  And now it’s all hitting us….and we’re sooo tired……….waaah!

I was willing my body to operate on five hours of sleep for waaaay too many days in a row.  It was as if we had an unspoken agreement to just get through this past weekend and then we’d make up for lost time.  Not knowing when payment would need to kick in, getting out of bed Sunday, and feeling like I was hit with a freight train, I’m guessing payment is due now! LOL

SO with that we enter into a season of rest.  With Christmas just around the corner (and no shopping done YET–eek) we look forward to spending the next few weeks with family.  I have 3000 cookies to bake (okay maybe an exaggeration), presents to wrap and festivities to engage in. Can’t wait.

I’m looking forward to some down time so that I can catch up on things and properly plan for our next phase for 2012.  In the meantime, I really look forward to being able to process the past few months and just take it all in.  Ahhhh.

Some highlights from the past couple of months below:

Steve’s birthday at Medieval Times, followed by Greyson’s Birthday both at home and in NYC.  Yes, I’m that strange person who takes photos of her husband on the subway.   And in case you were wondering…..Steve’s on the right….NOT the left.  Just wanted to clarify!  (Sorry mister – no offense, but you’re too angry looking – not to mention the age difference. I’m only 25 after all! ;-)).


Steve, practicing, and our family’s Thankfulness tree for our Thanksgiving centerpiece.

My favorite decor at Christmas – the Village People.

The Big Guy.

Pursuit 31 Women’s Retreat & Business Conference

(featuring the classic “I’m taking a picture of you taking a picture”.)  Pro Photogs only use the highest end gear when photographing each other – cell phones.

New Haven, CT photo shoot “The Notebook” (more on that in the next couple of weeks).

Shane & Shane with Phil Wickham show.  WOW & WOW.  What a night!  I totally cried like a baby. Seriously.

I’m sure they’ll remember me as the sobbing woman in the front. Greaaat.

Help-Portrait event in Philadelphia with my newest intern, Harmony (who totally floored me with her awesomeness and mad skillz). Guess she HAS been paying attention to all of my unsolicited photography tips through the years.

I was a very proud mama.

Glory in the Highest Christmas Production at Bayside

Harmony, the budding photographer,  taking a cell phone picture of Mommy…..as I look now.  Stunning, I know.  The “tired” look is SO in this year!  Yup that’s me on her red ladybug pillow pet.  When you are tired, you’ll rest your head on anything. Even a twin bed with a pillow pet.  They are actually quite comfortable!

So, please tell me I’m not the last one who’s not finished shopping yet?!?!?!  Is there anything left in stores at all?  :-/

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December 27, 2012 - 8:30 am

Marilyn - because truth be because truth be told it looks funny i alayws think that people should dress to their body type and not whats in style .certain styles just dont look good on certain body types.. its a fact!

It’s a brand new day…

Ladies, I KNOW you’ll feel me on this one….maybe some guys too.

It’s time for bed…you’re exhausted and your head hits the pillow and you are sooooooooo ready for sleep.  But wait – you can’t sleep yet – the day is not complete.  You still have to stay up and replay everything you did and didn’t do correctly throughout the day.  Maybe things to take care of the next day, and then there’s my favorite – BIG pending issues and concerns. Eventually…..mid-thought – if you are lucky, you fall asleep because your body took over the battle and won. Ahh….

BUT WAIT – just when you roll over at 3 am and realize – “oh good, I did finally fall asleep” that’s it.  You just jinxed it. DOH! Now from 3 am until ????  the ticker has just come back in full force.  BUT NOW – you’ve rested – even if just a bit, so now ideas on how to conquer the world (or just the kid’s breakfast routine) come rushing through as you try to remember the details of the brilliance that may have just crossed your mind. But instead of drinking in all of the wonderful thoughts and putting anxious actions onto paper (or technical tool of your choice), you fall back to sleep.  FOR 30 SECONDS and forget it all again.  Sound familiar?

The past 7 days have been a real doozy to say the least.  We’ve dealt with our share of “stuff” before but when you are caught up in the middle of it is when it’s most difficult to reconcile. But we already know that “When it rains it pours”, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, “when God closes one door He opens another”, and all of the proverbs and wise quotes that can apply forever and forever. They are ALL true. So why doesn’t it feel that way ALL of the time? Why do we toss and turn at 3 am with these things?

This was me just last night, or I should say, early this morning.  Finally, after I accidentally woke up my tired hubby for the umpteenth time, I gave up on sleep and got up. I went downstairs into the complete darkness feeling my way around the house. This was after making four attempts to put my foot into a slipper so I didn’t have to feel the cold kitchen floor, (a SLIP on – mind you) so I was off to a real awesome start already.

I was tempted to put on a dim light, but I noticed the darkness was just barely starting to break through the bank of windows.  All of the blinds were open and so were the sliding door curtains.  We must have forgotten to “close up shop” last night and now from every angle I could see the outside calling from the second I rounded the bottom of the stairs. The back of the house faces east so I knew that I had an opportunity to witness the sunrise if I just waited.

So I grabbed my favorite red rocket ship blanket (don’t laugh – my grandma made it for me) and sat on the couch looking out of the windows and I waited.  This time fully awake (well, more alert then if I had been in my bed anyway). The house was soooo quiet.  I could hear the hum of the furnace from the basement. I could hear the kid’s humidifiers running in their rooms through the second floor and closed doors. Outside it was completely still.  Crisp, without a breath of wind.  No birds, no crickets, no animals running around.  Totally still.

Then the sky changed and finally the light began to peek through the silhouette of tree tops in the distance. With stars on top, the light below grew brighter and brighter until there it was.  A brand new day.  Just like that. And for just another moment everything was still and perfect and beautiful.

Then the furnace kicked on.  It was like someone took the needle from a record player and scratched my  thoughts back to the reality of everyday life.  A few minutes later the coffee maker timer kicked on and started to brew. And I watched the steps of our daily lives unfold before me.  Next the hubs woke up and flicked on the bathroom light.  Then I heard the footsteps of my son as he trotted across his room.  My daughter’s door cracking open as she began to get herself ready for school.  Then the hound was released and came running towards me on the couch at a hundred miles per hour. Licking my face, hands, feet or whatever was in front her as if I hadn’t seen her for weeks.  Outside the squirrels were running from tree to tree and the birds were singing and flying around.  And just like that it was brand new day and it was already perfect.

No matter what is going on, the sun will rise as it always does because WE do not control it.  There are bigger things to keep our focus on.  The day will ALWAYS begin with stillness and peace. It’s the things that we allow to come into our day that change that.

I heard Joyce Meyer say “The best thing God can teach us is to be happy when we don’t want to.” That reminded me of an older post Happy Happy, Joy Joy and I needed to be reminded of that again this past week.
There IS  joy to be found in all things. And it IS a brand new day.



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Wilson Portrait Session | NJ Newborn Photographer Angelsea Urban

After three boys, proud parents Eli &  Vince welcomed their fourth son, Xavier to the family.  Along with their (male) Bull Mastiff, Mama Eli is surrounded by a brood of strong men that adore her.  And how could they not? Her gentle nature has already had an effect on the three charming big brothers who all took their turn entertaining me and doting on their new baby brother.  Congratulations Eli & Vince on your newest arrival!  Many blessings to your growing family! 



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November 15, 2011 - 6:15 pm

Rosalyn Cheeks- Walters - Angelsea Urban you captured some awesome moments with a beautiful family. The video was a great!!!! The song smile was perfect for the Wilson Family I really enjoyed your work.

November 15, 2011 - 4:36 pm

Xavier - great pictures!

November 15, 2011 - 1:36 pm

Janine - Absolutely beautiful! A true tear jerker!

November 15, 2011 - 12:39 pm

Valinda Bynes-Brown - I’m speechless. Absolutely Beautiful.

November 15, 2011 - 12:29 pm

Delvon McMillan - beautiful!! cant wait to meet him…