101 Things in 1001 Days | Angelsea Urban

It’s ALL over the internet.

Everyone’s New Year resolutions and goals for the year. People RUN out of the gate and then end up tired and exhausted by mid January, throwing in the towel until next year (myself included).

For many years, Steve and I wrote out our resolutions for the year on New Year’s Eve – just after midnight. We never looked at each other’s lists.  EVER.  I guess we were thinking they should be *secret* goals!  We put them in an envelope and sealed them, and placed them in our Christmas stockings. Then…forgot all about them.

Fast-forward a year. And now, right before midnight, we would open our envelope from last year. Surprised and proud of ourselves when we realized we had actually accomplished something on the list. Then beat ourselves up about the other things that were just completely ignored and never thought of since the last year, completely failing at doing this or that task.

So, we dusted ourselves off and mustered up some excitement and created a NEW *secret* list that we can in turn totally ignore for coming year. <=== See why this didn’t work?  Funny thing is – I think we did this for about 6 or 7 straight years! lol

FINALLY I realized this never worked because it had nothing to do with goal setting, planning or working towards achieving specific goals.  It was mere coincidence that we happened to be successful in accomplishing anything that we wrote down on New Year’s Eve.

Enter the Day Zero Project.  Recommended by my smart friend, Karen Stott, it’s an exercise that modifies the typical resolution list and in turn helps you to create an attainable list of 101 things to do… in 1001 days.

During a recent road trip, Steve and I were chatting and decided to define OUR vocabulary for tasks, goals, dreams and fantasies so that we can be on a better track for our lives, together.


So the definitions we came up with are:

Task = Something attainable that needs to be done is a short period of time: usually a day, week, or month.

Goals = Something that you WILL accomplish in a reasonable time frame, but are still figuring out the HOW part. (Once you figure out the HOW – it becomes a TASK)

Dreams = Something you would LOVE to accomplish, but it’s too big and scary to break it down into goals.  (YET – but it will hopefully be a GOAL when the timing is right).

Fantasy = Something you would only do with no consequence to ANY other part of your life.



Example:  I want to be an astronaut.” for ME is just a 


I have no plans to change any part of my life to make that happen.  BUT if I happen to visit Space Camp the day that I happened to be picked to sit inside the bridge of a live space shuttle during a testing, and a malfunction occurs that forces me to launch into a short, non life threatening space trip, thereby making me an astronaut, will probably be the only way I will EVER be an astronaut.  And that’s fine by me.  I would also LOVE to live in Paris or have a pet dolphin. It’s a fun to think about, but that’s about it. I’m not willing to compromise anything in my life to make those things happen.


So here is my list of Tasks, Goals, and Dreams of 101 Things I’d like to do in 1001 days. I have no Fantasies on this list, and by definition I plan on actively trying to accomplish these items in this specific time frame.

By publishing this online, and not in an envelope in my Christmas stocking, makes me accountable and will allow me to stay focused and hopefully on task.

I will be updating as I go, so check back and yell at me if I’m slacking!

If YOU have your own 101 Things list, please list your link in the comments below.  I would LOVE to read it!

  1.  Take the kids skiing
  2. Write a book (finish it)
  3. See Wonderfully Made: Strong come to life
  4. Blog 2 times a week for one month
  5. Switch kids rooms/guest room   Done YAY February 2013
  6. Redecorate studio area   Done YAY Sept 2012 LOVING the results
  7. Redo kitchen
  8. Go back to Disney for Greyson’s Birthday Just about to book our tickets…..so excited!
  9. Have our family portraits taken DONE Yay! March 2013 Thank you Tiffany Farley!
  10. Have a “no spend” month
  11. Write a personal blog post once a month
  12. Create journals for each child and use them
  13. Go back to Montreal
  14. Go back to Costa Rica
  15. Make a family tree
  16. Create a publish a family recipe book
  17. Knit a new stocking for each kid & Steve
  18. Master homemade sauce
  19. Pack a permanent emergency bag Done YAY August 2012 Thank you Hurricane Irene – we were totally prepared when Hurricane Sandy Hit
  20. Take the kids to Niagara Falls
  21. Make a quilt
  22. Print and hang personal pictures around the house
  23. Make more quiet time to read Working on itTrying to spend an hour each morning – so far so good since January of 2012
  24. Write a children’s book
  25. Run, not walk in a 5k
  26. Eat only whole unprocessed foods for 1 month
  27. Take the CPP certification test
  28. Learn to make healthier/fun options for kid’s lunches
  29. Create a packaging station DONE with Studio remodel YAY Sept 2012
  30. Establish a daily (personal) routine that doesn’t interfere with family and work time
  31. Create a “freebie” section on website
  32. Take a ballroom class with Steve
  33. Take Penny on 3 walks a week for a month
  34. Re-establish weekly date night
  35. Help Harmony create a cooking show
  36. Go to bed early for 14 days in a row
  37. Let the kids plan a weekend getaway and do it
  38. Take a cooking class with Steve
  39. Cancel home phone line  DONE ALREADY! YAY  January 9th, 2012
  40. Cancel cable BEST decision ever September 2012
  41. Teach the kids about goal setting and financial planning
  42. Get published somewhere coolBravo TV? Sure that totally counts
  43. Buy an investment property
  44. Create a photo album for each of the kids
  45. Write a fictional short story
  46. Organize the basement, permanently
  47. Get a new tattoo
  48. Have a girls night once a month with Harmony – Working on it and loving these times together
  49. Go to New Orleans
  50. Go to 3 town council meetings – AYE
  51. Get a mentor   <== January 15th THANK YOU Lydia!
  52. Be a mentor to someone  <== January 15th THANK YOU Alicia! 
  53. Move forward with speaking engagements <– Aaaak…Super scary! Actually forgot this was on the list and had the opportunity to speak publicly several times since then. Still super scary but I’ m getting there. 
  54. Exercise 3 times a week HA!
  55. Maintain a prayer journalBest thing I ever started. Ever. 
  56. Take Rachelle to New York City
  57. FINALLY finish my website and don’t change it for 6 monthsWell, it was redone in January 2013 – I think we’ll finally make it. 
  58. Take a new class
  59. Take my vitamins – EVERY day
  60. Formalize the non-profit “project” into an actual non-profit
  61. Let go of the things that are not a positive influence in my life – for real    DONE and DONE. and exhale…
  62. Redecorate my bedroom
  63. Write more letters to Rorisang
  64. Organize the icons on my desktop –    Done, and done again, and messed up again. But my new desktop organizer helps!
  65. Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge –     DONE YAY December 2012
  66. Shoot a gun <–eeek  scary!
  67. Expand Urban Resource Group, LLC –         Always working on this, but expanded again in January 2013
  68. Shoot a destination wedding in a foreign country
  69. Finally watch the Godfather Trilogy (in one day)
  70. Try eating Vegan for 7 day
  71. Go to a new museum         Done YAY Philadelphia Art Museum February 2012
  72. Grow everything I need for a salad, in the garden
  73. Build out the fireplace in the family room
  74. Use my real estate license to broker commercial investments
  75. Purge my closet and donate
  76. Give blood consistently again
  77. Write a letter to a friend and MAIL it
  78. Edit our wedding video (FROM VHS) while VCRs are still alive
  79. Frame out the basement
  80. Send out birthday cards….on time
  81. Spend a major holiday on vacation somewhere
  82. Go on a missions trip
  83. Ride a big roller coaster with Harmony
  84. Go to Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market –              YES! Done (several times) and it’s amazing!
  85. Drink the “recommended” amount of water everyday for 30 days
  86. Get a new car  (Sad to let go of my current one, but she’s getting old)
  87. Simplify my procedures for backup           DONE Spring of 2013 and what a project that was. Thank you Crashplan.
  88. Simplify my procedures for mobile working and location projects         Done for Chicago trip August 2012 
  89. GO seven three ok maybe TWO days with no technology/internet/phone.
  90. Get another stamp in my passport before it expires Too late. 🙁 Boo. 
  91. Shoot an entire project with my medium format film camera and develop the prints myself
  92. Give away a wedding photography package
  93. Give away a portrait package
  94. Rework our 401k plan and college savings plans
  95. Take the kids camping working on it for Summer 2013
  96. Release a message in a bottle at the ocean
  97. Find the tree Steve carved our initials in 15 years ago
  98. See a drive in movie
  99. Stop “junk” reading – inconsequential things YES – Always working on it, but reduced significantly 
  100. Go to the Pursuit 31 National Women’s Conference in Georgia DONE YAY October 2012 and it was amazing! Going back again 2013
  101. Answer the “50 Questions that will free your mind”
And since no blog post feels complete unless there is an image, here an image I took of the Nortra-Dame Basilica of Montréal during our recent trip.  (No camera tricks – it really IS THIS stunning) Full post on that is coming soon!

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April 28, 2016 - 9:32 pm

http://www.ionicbathfootdetox.com/ - Bruno Marques / Concordo plenamente.E digo mais! Teorizo que nossa sociedade é o que é, graças à manipulação feminina quwe por trás de grandes homens, elas que realmente nos guiaram à uma sociedade estável, e suas exigências mais complexas fizeram os homens se aprimorarem e crescerem socialmente, para poder atrai-las. Acredito que países onde as mulheres tem pouca “voz” são os mais propensos para a auto-destruição.Gostei deste comentário ou não: 17

March 1, 2016 - 1:27 pm

Eutiquio - Savannah Heieie – Hello-I was just wondering if you could email me more inftrmaoion on your wedding prices and packages!? And what your Traveling fees are! We are getting Married September 24th, 2011 in Glenwood, MN. ThanksSavannah

The Edwards Family Session | New Jersey Lifestyle Photographer Angelsea Urban

Meet:  The Edwards Family

Being raised in his family’s home, Bill lives in the same house he grew up in, now with his own family.  Many, many cherished items are scattered throughout the house.  From an antique coffee grinder, to his grandfather’s communion glass, down to the handmade fabric art his mother made back when the address had no street name.

Although the house is a little different today, after raising his own adult children there, Bill and his wife Laura’s most precious things, are the memories that have filled the home throughout these years.

We had a wonderful time together creating some new memories during their family’s photo session and I look forward to seeing each of their lives unfold during the next chapters.

Thank you, Edwards Family, for allowing me to spend this time with you.




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Pursuit 31 Conference | Angelsea Urban

When God tells you to do something, you do it.  Or at least you SHOULD.  Because like a mother to her child, He knows what the outcome will be.  As much as we’d like to think we could figure it all out, we JUST. HAVE. NO. IDEA what really is in store for us.

So enter Pursuit 31 into my life.  Like a moth to a flame I was totally and completely drawn in.  I have never felt the hand of God literally SHOVING me into something like this before.  If only everything were so obvious, life would be so much simpler.  I would never have to question anything, ever.  It was so completely refreshing to be wholeheartedly sure of something… without a doubt in my soul. I know what you’re thinking… “um….deep thoughts by Jack Handy, Angie….” but really, that doesn’t even scratch the surface of how it initially felt.

When the opportunity presented itself for me to be a part of the New Haven Retreat, I leapt with my eyes closed. Having no idea on the details. I hassled Janice until I knew everything was lined up and that I had done my part to meet God where He was asking me to go. For me, there was no itinerary, no jobs lined up, no schedule, no photoshoot. It didn’t really matter to me; I just knew I had to be there.  I am so grateful for my supportive husband who didn’t even hesitate to agree. We knew we’d figure out the rest.

So over the next few months of planning, the event unfolded. Stacy and I paired up and decided to make it a road trip and open up the suite we had booked to anyone else who needed a place to stay.  It was the best decision we ever made and why each of them: Stacy, Beth, Rachelle, Katie & Sharna will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart forever (and ever and ever). And as if THAT weren’t enough, I also had the privileged to spend time with Alicia, Cam, Deborah, Margaret, Tiffany, Val, and Karen at Desirea’s magnificent landmark house in New Haven.  These women literally have changed my life forever.

The whole experience took me a full month to digest and reflect on all of the little details. From our impromptu Yale Library tour, to our dinner at Buffalo Bills on Dave Chapelle’s street. Late night chats by the fireplace with an old janitor whose girlfriend had recently colored his hair, to Alica’s dad’s yummy home cooked meals.  We brainstormed our business goals, website designs, workflow, branding and how to best juggle being a woman in business.  Being a MOM in business. We shared ideas. We shared our fears. We prayed for my family battling cancer. We laughed, we shared our dreams out loud, and we chucked a roll of toilet paper around the room for the next person who needed to cry.

I think we used the whole roll.

It really DID take me a full month to take it all in. It inspired my life in so many facets and has propelled me forward for the coming year. My goals are clearer. My relationships are sweeter. My faith is strengthened. My heart is ready for new changes.  I have the courage to step out further than I did before. I know the true value of authenticity.

It’s easier (even if it’s just a little) to let go of people that I should have long ago.  No one who loves me should ever make me feel like crap. Period.

And most of all, I’m not as scared as I once was to be completely vulnerable, which is why you are reading this.


What started with a small group of women has grown to more than 1400 across the country in just over a year.  WOW. The need for Christian businesswomen (specifically photographers) to connect and encourage one another was obviously great. It’s amazing how the mutual love of God can instantly bond you with other women.  To let your guards down with one another and fast forward the “new friendship” part and jump right in exactly where you need them to the most.

Pursuit 31 will be holding it’s first national conference in Georgia this October with incredible guest speakers including Dawn Davis, Jody Gray and of course our P31 Founder, Karen Stott.  I encourage anyone who is reading this and can relate, to just follow your heart and go where God is leading you to go.

Watch this to learn more about the conference:

It’s been a privilege to see this group grow and I am honored to serve in my local Tri-State area.

Please contact me here and we would love for you to join our small group so you connect with other like-minded women for support and encouragement.

To learn more about Pursuit 31 watch this:


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January 13, 2012 - 12:22 am

Karen Stott - Oh Angie I jus ADORE you!!!! I still to this day wish I would’ve been in that room with you girls. So much fun!!! Can’t wait to hug you again!