Dear Instagram,
I apologize. Truly.
What started out as a convenient love affair of instant art + cell phone, turned into images of pulled pork in a crock pot, self promotion and the land of proof that “I am here” snapshots.
I have diluted you.
And I am sorry for taking you for granted.
You have been a great inspiration to me in the past. The images you have shown me, sparked the desire to create more images. To look at the world differently and to see beauty in everyday things.
But lately, it has been easier to post my son’s lego truck to you so I can share to friends with a click of a button. It’s way harder to be intentional about creating a picture worthy to be shared by you.
It is my intention to stop abusing you in this way.
Here are some of my favorites from our past experiences together. I promise to look for more of these moments in our future. And if it’s not worthy of you, I’ll just post to your brother, Facebook.
Please accept my apology. I look forward to making instant art with you with a refreshed perspective.
Instagram Abuser
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